Steps To Follow How To Get Longer Hair

Steps To Follow How To Get Longer Hair

Steps To Follow How To Get Longer Hair


With out a doubt, hair is an important feature of a person, who wants to enhance the way they look, its the same for girls and guys. There is no doubt that for women, hair forms an integral part of their personal beauty. So in this case, hair can be can be done in plenty of different ways depending on its texture and length among other factors. How to do your hair, really varies according to the factors mentioned above and preferences as some styles may fit some individuals and may not fit others. The design may also vary depending on occasion, weather and the outfit or dress that you decide to wear. The following are some ways in which you can do your hair:-

How to do your hair

Pull your hair into a bun

This is another style that you can use in doing your hair and is mostly applicable to those ladies who have long hair. After combing your hair, you can pull it from the neck and straighten the rest to the back, so it forms a sleek like bun. Other methods such as pinning up your hair can be used in making a bun. After forming the bun, you can hold it in position by using any elastic material. It looks beautiful when it is closer to the nape of your neck but some women may prefer other locations. The bun will usually wear the whole day before it needs redoing it. This type of hair styling saves time and looks attractive on almost every woman.


This is another common method which you can use in doing your hair. There are a number of braiding techniques which are available and depending on the texture and length of your hair you can choose the one that fits you. Usually they are preferred by active women and when you want to stay for a little longer before washing your hair. You can use three strand braids which are considered as traditional braids and are better for those braiding for the first time in their lives. When you get a bit of practice, you can then do complicated braids such as fishtail braids, French braids and Dutch braids among others. Braids in most cases apply to almost all textures and lengths of hair.

How To Do Braided Hair


This is one of the designs and styles which you can do your hair and it works well with long hair. This can be done by brushing hair straight to the back which will end up forming a sleek ponytail. You may also avoid brushing your hairs backwards but instead pull it backwards and this will end up forming a messy pony. You can apply a little hairspray to make it look better and attractive. Volume can be added to your hair at the crown by simply teasing the roots. Ensure that you use a ponytail which resembles or looks much like your hair as this will make it more beautiful.

Straightening or curling your hair

This is another easy style that you can use, when you do your hair. It mostly works well for those who have hair which is straight naturally or on the other hand for those who have hair which is curly naturally, you straighten it. With the help of a curly or a straight iron, you can mix your hair backwards and this will form a great and beautiful design for your hair. After turning on the iron, use strands in ironing your hair as this will make it easier in achieving the best look when curling or straightening it.

How to Straighten Your Hair

Other simple methods that you can use in doing your hair may include the following:-

Rolling your hair into a coil; if your hair is straight, you can roll it into a coil and then wrap it in a foil. After wrapping it, with the help of a flat iron you can press it as this will ensure that the coils last longer.

Use of locking technique

Locking technique uses hair pins in holding hair together after pulling your hair in a particular direction. You can rotate the pins in order for the open ends to face in the same direction as this will lock the hair and keep it that way longer. If the pins are well inserted, they will hold your hair tighter and they will not be easily noticeable.

Hair Locking Pins

Simple Use of a hair band

This is another great way that you can do your hair especially those with long hair. This can be achieved by rolling your hair with an elastic band before pulling it over the head to create the tunnel effect.

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The Legend of Lei Tsu discovering silk

The Legend of Lei Tsu discovering silk

The Legend of Lei Tsu discovering silk


The legend of the silk discovery is narrated in China in the following way:

More than 4000 years ago at the royal court of the chinese Emperor.
One young concubine, named Lei Tsu, takes the cocoon of some worms, which she finds on the mulberry tree and starts playing around with them. In her playfulness the young concubine drops the cocoon in a pot full of boiled water. As she tries to get the cocoon out of the hot water, she discovers that a long yarn can be extracted from the cocoon, when they are in the boiled water. For her astonishment the yarn is not just long but also very beautiful and strong.
With her newly earned knowledge the young concubine decides to weave a colorful dress for the chinese Emperor, who is very impressed by the grace and beauty of his new dress. From there on the silk production started and came to big fame all around the world for the color and smoothness of its weavings.

This is the most famous legend about the discovery of silk. However it is not the only one and in retrospect it is difficult to say how true this story really is.
But one thing is for sure. The silk, which is described as the smoothest and most colorful textile known to mankind, was in the early stages of the silk production only worn by the royal courtyard of the chinese Emperor.
After some time silk was also used as diplomatic gifts and to bribe nomadic tribes who threaten the chinese Empire.

The knowledge of the silk production was a well kept secret in the chinese Empire. The export of silk worms or mulberry cuttings was strictly forbidden and smuggling those secrets was punished by death sentence.
Finally all those efforts had an end, when a chinese princess smuggled mulberry cuttings and the silk worm to Khotan (today Afghanistan) in 140 BC, because she had to marry and emigrate from China and could not image a life without silk.
From there the secret of the silk production made it to India and one century later to Korea, Japan and Thailand.

A new theory questions that Thailand had to gather the silk secret from other countries. It argues that silk was cultivated by the mysterious people of Ban Chiang in northeastern Thailand 5000 years ago. This theory is based on archaeological findings, which discovered unweaven rests of silk on a plateau that was once settled by the people of Ban Chiang.
But this is just a theory and based on signs without clear evidence. However the silk weaving is still a trade mainly practiced in the northeast of Thailand. From those villages in the northeast thai silk came to world fame in the 1960´s.

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Fantastic ways to remove (delete) all text that has superscript formatting in Microsoft Word Document

I have a large amount of text (almost 170 pages) while I was changing the font size I highlighted everything, changing the font size of the superscripts too. I actually do not need to superscripts, how can I delete everything that has superscript formatting?
” Someone ask me this question before. Well, This can be done using a simple find & replace operation”.

  1. In the Find and Replace dialog click on ” Format > Font “:

Fantastic ways to remove (delete) all text that has superscript formatting in Microsoft Word Document,microsoft word, document


2. Select Superscript:

Select Superscript:


3. Don’t enter any text in the Find what and Replace with fields            and simply click Replace All:

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Nice Way To Automatically Remove Wikipedia References


Have you ever found yourself copying text from Wikipedia and manually deleting the references [1], [2].. from the text? This is how to do it automatically, with the help of Word:

Go to Edit>Replace, click on the Replace tab, click on the More button, and check Use Wildcards; in the Find what box type \[?\] for single character references (like [1], [2]) and click on Replace all. For multiple character references, like [10], [11] etc. simply replace \[?\] with \[??\]. The tricky part was escaping the braces, because ‘[‘ and ‘]’ are characters used by wildcards. I found the solution here.  Also, a screenshot:


Keeping a stress-free, clean house

11 Fundamental Ways of Keeping a stress-free, clean house

Keeping a stress-free, clean house


Yesterday I cleaned my house a little, tidying up, cleaning the bathroom a little, cleaning the kitchen, and generally making the place look nice.

It is simply beautiful. There is a tremendous pleasure I get in being able to relax in a clean house.

Of course, with six kids, it never lasts long, but there are things I can do to keep it generally clean and tidy.

Here are the habits I will try to maintain to keep a stress-free house:

  1. Never leave dishes in the sink. Or counter. Clean up any messes in the kitchen after I’m done. Wipe the counters, keep the sink clean.
  2. Tidy the bathroom as I go. After I use the bathroom, clean the sink, the toilet, spray down the shower, real quick. It only takes a couple of minutes, and the joy of a clean bathroom is unmatched.
  3. Pick up as I go. There are little things the kids leave around the house. I’ll just pick them up throughout the day, or keep a basket for their stuff and just dump them in there, for them to put away later.
  4. Never leave clothes out. I have a tendency not to hang my once-used but still clean clothes in my bedroom, leaving them out to clutter the place up. No more. They either go in the dirty clothes, or they get hung in the closet.
  5. Take the trash out every day. It’s cleaner, and even if the trash isn’t quite full, this is a good habit.
  6. Tidy up before I leave the house. It’s wonderful to come home to a clean house. Just pick up a little before I leave.
  7. Make my bed in the morning. I’ll do this either before or after I shower. I love a made bed.
  8. Tidy up before I go to bed. Waking up to a dirty house is stressful. Waking up to a clean house is an incredible way to start the day.
  9. Don’t let clutter pile up. There’s a place in the kitchen where we pile books and papers. That needs to go. Piles are stressful. I will clear this counter daily, along with the inbox we have for all incoming papers.
  10. Get rid of the papers on the fridge. I can pretty much put all of that info on our calendar. They leave a very cluttered appearance.
  11. Teach the kids to put their stuff away. By far the greatest source of stress and messiness. This will also be the most difficult task, and I don’t know if it can ever be accomplished. But it’s worth a try.


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